The following is an update from Carol Bergman, Vice President - Government Relations & Public Affairs at Legal Services Corporation:
Today (June 25, 2019) the House of Representatives passed the FY 2020 Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS) Appropriations bill on a party line vote. The final bill includes $550 million for LSC, an increase of $135 million over LSC's current funding. The breakdown of the line items in our budget follows.
More than 500 amendments were filed with the House Rules Committee before the bill went to the floor for consideration, one of which would have taken $20 million from LSC's appropriation to fund a Department of Justice program. After various Members of Congress weighed in, the amendment was changed and LSC's funding of $550 million was left intact. No other amendments regarding LSC were introduced.
The Senate has not scheduled consideration of any FY 2020 appropriations bills. We will continue to keep you apprised as the process moves forward.
