11/18 | Kids, COVID-19, and the Role of Legal Services
Thu, Nov 18
|Zoom Meeting
We invite you to join the LSFN and sector leaders for a discussion around how the pandemic has impacted youth populations... -- This program is open to all in the legal services community | There is no cost to attend --

Time & Location
Nov 18, 2021, 2:00 PM – 3:15 PM PST
Zoom Meeting
Nelson Mandela once said that "There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.”; a poignant and resonating reminder of young peoples' potential and our collective responsibility to protect and support the next generation. With this reminder, we invite you to join the LSFN and sector leaders for a discussion around how the pandemic has impacted youth populations. We'll also highlight ways we can mitigate harm and protect the rights of this vulnerable, and often silenced, group. Topics we will cover:
- Juvenile Justice and National Issues
- Education and Local Issues
- Foster Care & Dependency
- Tax Opportunities to Help Children and Families
- Government Funding Opportunities
- Perspectives from New Practitioners Working with Youth Population
- Atasi Uppal - National Center for Youth Law
- Rosa Bay - East Bay Community Law Center
- Brian Blalock - Stanford University
- Malia Cohen - California Board of Equalization
- Claire Solot - Bigglesworth Family Foundation
2021 LSFN Fellows
- Jennifer Davis - Dependency Legal Services
- Irish Tapia - Law Foundation of Silicon Valley
- Ken Kuchman - Bernard E. & Alba Witkin Charitable Foundation
- Yali Lincroft - Whittier Trust & Walter S. Johnson Foundation
Regularly, the LSFN will host a funder roundtables to facilitate funder-specific discussions around the ways in which COVID-19 is impacting the populations served by legal services organizations, and the legal aid organizations themselves. Additionally, we'll discuss legislation being considered to help highly impacted communities, provide information on helpful tools, and explore strategies for funders to support those most affected.